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Change of name or surname

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Published 21.07.2022

Application for change of a name or surname

Application should consists of

a) name, surname, date and place of birth, national identification number, date and place of marriage,
b) address of permanent residence in Slovak Republic, address of last permanent residence in Slovak Republic or address of usual residence abroad,
c) new name or surname,
d) name, surname, date and place of birth of spouse or children, if they should by affected by this change,
e) document proving Slovak citizenship of applicant,
f) reason for submitting of application.

It is necessary to submit together originals or validated copies of following with application:

a) birth certificate,
b) marriage certificate,
c) court decision on divorce,
d) death certificate of spouse,
e) Slovak ID card,
f) other Identification document,
g) document proving Slovak citizenship,
h) document proving foreign citizenship.

Application for change of name or surname of a child should be submitted by his/her parents. In case that child is older than 15 years, it is necessary to submit child´s consent with the change with officially validated signature of a child. In case that application is submitted just by one of child´s parents, it is necessary to submit:

a) written consent with change of other parent with officially validated signature or valid court decision replacing that consent,
b) death certificate of other spouse,
c) valid court decision on limited legal capacity of other parent.


Administrative fees

Administrative fees are collected under the current exchange rate (please be attention to Administrative fees section) in USD.