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Slovak Register documents

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Published 21.07.2022

It is possible to apply for sending Register document abroad and apply for legalization of requested document. Application can be submitted by


a) person mentioned in Register document or a member of person´s spouse, parents, children, grandchildren, siblings and their children and in case of proved legal interest other close person),

b) person with proxy (proxy must be in written form with officially declared signature of person),

c) legal guardian of a child (valid court decision must be submitted),

d) state or local authority according to law.


Administrative fees


Administrative fees are collected under the current exchange rate (please pay attention to Administrative fees section) in USD.

Fee for this extract is accordinf to the item 250 a) per document paid in form of money order; credit cards and personal/company checks are not acceptable. 

Additional fee for “Apostille” certificate is charged according to the item 254 d) per document.

If you do not know the exact date and place of birth and the birth took place more than 30 years ago, make arrangements for genealogical research.