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Slovak living abroad

We would like to ask you to read General information.

Updated 21.07.2022
Published 21.07.2022

Slovak living abroad is a person without permanent residence in the Slovak Republic and is or is not a Slovak citizen, but he/she has national awareness (Slovak national values, Slovak language, culture or traditions) and he/she or his/her predecessor has Slovak nationality.

Application for Certificate of Slovak living abroad should be submitted at The Office for Slovaks living abroad or at The Embassy. Applicant obliged to submit:

a) fulfilled: application for Certificate of Slovak living abroad

b) 2 color photos of recent appearance,

c) document proving Slovak nationality (official document e.g. birth certificate, baptism certificate, document issued by Register Office, Certificate of citizenship, Certificate of permanent residence if it is stating nationality of applicant) or confirmation issued by Slovak national Archive or National Archive in Prague),

d) document proving national awareness (document proving applicant´s results of public activities declaring his/her national awareness or  written confirmation of compatriot organization in place of his/her residence and if there is not any compatriot organization by written statement

at least 2 Slovaks living abroad with the residence in same state as applicant,


e) document proving that applicant was not sentenced for intentional crime or for intentional crime by Slovak law (FBI Criminal register report),

f) document proving that applicant do not conduct activities against The Slovak Republic.

Issued Certificate of Slovak living abroad can be send to applicant´s address on demand.


Administrative fees

Administrative fees are paid according to actual exchange rate of EUR and USD.