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Veľvyslanectvo Slovenskej republiky v Rige

Riga - miestny čas:

Operation of the consular department of the Embassy

In case it is necessary to visit the Embassy´s consular department in person, kindly arrange your appointment prior to your visit by phone at +371 6781 4280 or by email: emb.riga@mzv.sk.

Please be advised that the Embassy of Slovakia in Riga does not issue any visas or permits to stay on the territory of Slovakia. For these purposes, kindly contact the Embassy of Slovakia in Warsaw: emb.varsava@mzv.sk.


Prehľad dôležitých lehôt a informácií pred voľbami do Európskeho parlamentu

Vláda Slovenskej republiky schválila 13. novembra 2023 svoje programové vyhlásenie.

Minister zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí Slovenskej republiky Miroslav Wlachovský sa 11. a 12. júla 2023 zúčastnil na samite Severoatlantickej aliancie (NATO) vo Vilniuse ako člen delegácie pod vedením prezidentky SR Zuzany Čaputovej. Hlavnými témami samitu boli posilnenie kolektívnej obrany Aliancie vrátane bezpečnosti a obranyschopnosti tzv. východného krídla NATO a budúcnosť vzťahov s Ukrajinou.

Study in Slovakia
The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic supports study/research/teaching/artistic mobility of international students, PhD students, university teachers, researchers and artists at higher education institutions and research organisations. 

The Schengen area is a part of the territory of Europe in which people may travel freely without any border checks at internal borders of Schengen Member States. Citizens from some non-EU countries are required to have a visa when travelling to the Schengen area.

Slovakia is a special country. Even in such a small area, you’ll find everything from natural treasures and historical monuments to rich folk culture and modern entertainment in the busy city streets. Enjoy the beauty and unique atmosphere that Slovakia has to offer.

A qualified, productive and cost-effective labour force, unique geographical location in the heart of Europe, macroeconomic stability and membership in the Eurozone are just some of the factors that enable the successful implementation of investment projects in Slovakia.