1. Domov
  2. SlovakAid
  3. Small Grants


Aktualizované 05.04.2024

Slovenská agentúra pre medzinárodnú rozvojovú spoluprácu (SAMRS) v spolupráci s Veľvyslanectvom Slovenskej republiky v Belehrade vyhlasuje výzvu na podávanie projektových návrhov na poskytnutie finančného príspevku, tzv. mikrograntu na implementáciu rozvojového projektu pre záujemcov zo Srbskej republiky pre rok 2024.

Maximálna výška finančnej podpory na jeden projekt je 10 000 eur, dĺžka trvania projektu 6 – 12 mesiacov.

Mikrogranty je možné implementovať v sektoroch definovaných Strednodobou stratégiou rozvojovej spolupráce Slovenskej republiky na rok 2019 – 2023 predĺženej do roku 2024:

  • Kvalitné vzdelávanie
  • Dobré zdravie
  • Dobrá správa vecí verejných a budovanie občianskej spoločnosti
  • Potravinová bezpečnosť a poľnohospodárstvo
  • Infraštruktúra a udržateľné využívanie prírodných zdrojov
  • Podpora tvorby trhového prostredia

V rámci každého sektora majú byť integrované prierezové témy:

  • Životné prostredie a zmena klímy
  • Rovnosť mužov a žien

Termín na predkladanie návrhov projektov je 31. júla 2024, elektronicky (emb.beograd@mzv.sk) aj poštou na adresu Veľvyslanectva Slovenskej republiky v Belehrade.

Bližšie informácie pre uchádzačov sa nachádzajú v prílohách nižšie (dokumenty sú v anglickom jazyku).

Small Grants - Call for Proposals 2024
Word 77.9 kB, 5.4.2024, 1098 stiahnutí
Small Grants Guidance 2024
PDF 219.7 kB, 5.4.2024, 972 stiahnutí
Application for Financial Contribution
Word 116.6 kB, 5.4.2024, 951 stiahnutí
Small Grant Agreement Template 2024
Word 137.3 kB, 5.4.2024, 605 stiahnutí
Completion Report
Word 102.8 kB, 5.4.2024, 481 stiahnutí
Financial Report
Excel 78.3 kB, 5.4.2024, 533 stiahnutí

 Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the microgrant scheme?

Microgrants are a flexible and effective form of development cooperation of the Slovak Republic. They are implemented through the network of Slovak embassies abroad.

Who is eligible to apply?

Eligible applicants in the Republic of Serbia for small grants are non-governmental organizations, not-for-profit organizations, civic associations, local/municipal authorities, schools and healthcare institutions, registered in the Republic of Serbia.

What is the maximum requested amount?

The maximum amount of the non-repayable financial contribution is 10 000 EUR per project.

What is the length of the project implementation?

The expected length of the project implementation is from 6 to max. 12 months.

When does the project implementation start?

The project implementation period starts immediately after the signing of the Small Grant Agreement

What are the eligible sectoral priorities/areas of intervention?

The following sectoral priorities are eligible:

  • Quality education,
  • Good health,
  • Good governance and civil society building,
  • Food safety and agriculture
  • and Infrastructure and sustainable use of natural resources.

Cross-cutting themes Environment and climate change and Equal opportunities must be also integrated.

Their consideration is being assessed through integration into projects and activities in each of the abovementioned priority sectors.

More information can be found in the Call for Proposals and in the Small Grant Guidance.

What is the ratio of project instalments?

The payment of the small grant is divided into two instalments. 70% of the small grant is paid to the final beneficiary after the signature of the small grant agreement.

Final beneficiaries must have the remaining 30 % of the amount of the small grant available from their own/partner resources.

The remaining balance payment - 30% of the small grant will be transferred to the final beneficiary after the completion of the project and after the submission of the Completion and Financial Reports accompanied by copies of respective invoices and receipts.

How will be transferred the instalments to the beneficiary?

The Embassy of the Slovak Republic will pay both payments by bank transfer to the foreign currency account of the beneficiary.

What happens in case of change within the project implementation?

In case of unforeseen problems (for example: risk that the implementation of the project is not to be concluded on time, or there are changes in the budget lines), the final beneficiary is obliged to inform the Slovak Embassy in written form and request a change (for example: project budget changes or a project extension).

Changes to the project budget and project scope/outcomes will not be accepted without prior approval.

What supporting documentations needs to be submitted to the Financial Report?

The financial report includes a detailed description of every item from the approved budget lines accompanied by the respective invoices and original receipts for the work, goods and services used in completing the project.

Furthermore, the financial report contains a statement from the bank or exchange office indicating the exchange rate, which the beneficiary used for changing the grant money to the local currency.

The final beneficiary prepares the financial report for all budget lines (100% of the value of the project).

Frequently Asked Questions
Word 14.5 kB, 5.4.2024, 183 stiahnutí

Small Grants 2023

Aktualizované 12.02.2024

Veľvyslanectvo Slovenskej republiky v Belehrade v roku 2023 v rámci výzvy na podávanie projektových návrhov na poskytnutie finančného príspevku prijalo 30 žiadostí.

Komisia posúdila projekty, ktoré boli včas a riadne doručené a spĺňali kritéria definované Strednodobou stratégiou rozvojovej spolupráce Slovenskej republiky. 

Zoznam schválených projektov je zverejnený v prílohách nižšie (dokumenty sú v anglickom jazyku).​

Small Grant Projects supported by the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Belgrade in 2023
PDF 87.0 kB, 5.4.2024, 475 stiahnutí
Small Grants - Call for Proposals 2023
PDF 612.0 kB, 5.4.2024, 401 stiahnutí
Small Grants Guidance 2023
PDF 441.7 kB, 5.4.2024, 451 stiahnutí
Application for Financial Contribution
Word 111.3 kB, 5.4.2024, 307 stiahnutí
Small Grant Agreement Template 2023
Word 121.4 kB, 5.4.2024, 269 stiahnutí
Completion Report
Word 100.2 kB, 5.4.2024, 254 stiahnutí
Financial Report
Excel 2.9 MB, 5.4.2024, 342 stiahnutí
Frequently Asked Questions
PDF 25.8 kB, 5.4.2024, 362 stiahnutí

Small Grants 2022

Slovenská agentúra pre medzinárodnú rozvojovú spoluprácu (SAMRS) v spolupráci s Veľvyslanectvom Slovenskej republiky v Belehrade vyhlasuje výzvu na podávanie projektových návrhov na poskytnutie finančného príspevku, tzv. mikrograntu na implementáciu rozvojového projektu pre záujemcov zo Srbskej republiky pre rok 2022.

Maximálna výška finančnej podpory na jeden projekt je 10 000 eur, dĺžka trvania projektu 6 - 12 mesiacov.

Termín na predkladanie návrhov projektov je od 15. apríla do 15. októbra 2022, na adresu Veľvyslanectva Slovenskej republiky v Belehrade. Bližšie informácie pre uchádzačov sa nachádzajú v prílohách nižšie.

Call for proposals 15/03/2022
PDF 510.4 kB, 25.7.2023, 259 stiahnutí
Small Grants Guidance 15/03/2022
PDF 334.2 kB, 25.7.2023, 246 stiahnutí
Application for financial contribution 15/03/2022
Word 54.9 kB, 25.7.2023, 196 stiahnutí
Completion report 15/03/2022
Word 2.7 MB, 25.7.2023, 224 stiahnutí
Financial Report 15/03/2022
Excel 2.8 MB, 25.7.2023, 216 stiahnutí
Agreement Template 15/03/2022
PDF 239.0 kB, 25.7.2023, 232 stiahnutí
Belgrade - List of Small Grant Projects 2022
PDF 272.7 kB, 5.4.2024, 363 stiahnutí

Small grants provided by the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation through The Liaison Office of the Slovak Republic in Pristina

Small Grants 2024

Small grants are provided by the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation through The Liaison Office of the Slovak Republic in Pristina.

Small grants focus on supporting small-scale development projects and enable a flexible, operational and effective response to development needs at the local level.

The maximum amount of the non-repayable financial contribution is 10 000 EUR per project.

Project duration is from 6 to maximum 12 months.


Elegible Sectors

  • Quality education - education at all school levels, acquiring professional skills with focus on entering the labour market and conducting own business, education of pedagogical and non-pedagogical staff, equipment of school facilities
  • Good health - health care with emphasis on mothers and children, nutrition programs, education and awareness of the population in the field of prevention and health care, education of health professionals, equipment of health facilities
  • Good governance and civil society building - public sector reform, public finance management, support for the rule of law and civil society participation in democratic processes, local government capacity building and active citizen participation in community development, security sector reform, activities of civilian experts in international crisis management, conflict prevention and support for reconciliation activities
  • Food safety and agriculture - introduction of new techniques and procedures in all parts of the food chain, including processing of agricultural products, their marketing and sale, food security, job creation
  • Infrastructure and sustainable use of natural resources - water management, integrated management of water and other natural resources, revitalization and protection of endangered water resources, drinking water supply, wastewater treatment, waste management, raising environmental awareness, energy security and the use of alternative energy sources, sustainable development of settlements, increasing resilience to natural disasters, including climate change, soil protection, reducing soil degradation and drying, halting the loss of biodiversity, protecting ecosystems, restoring degraded ecosystems
  • Support for the creation of a market environment - support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, the introduction of innovations, job creation


Cross-Cutting Themes

  • Environment and climate change - support for climate change mitigation, strengthening capacity to adapt to climate change, increasing resilience of ecosystems, protection of nature, biodiversity and soil, environmental monitoring; protection and promotion of the sustainable use of natural resources
  • Gender equality - promoting equality between men and women, eliminating all forms of discrimination against women and girls, as well as all forms of violence against women and girls, including harmful practices and customs (such as early or forced marriages or female genital mutilation), ensuring equal opportunities in public life
  • Preferred sector is Good governance and civil society building with emphasis to human rights, rule of law and democracy.


Eligible Applicants

This call is open to NGOs, non-profit subjects and local authorities.


Deadline And Accompaning Documents

The deadline for submission of project proposals is June 30, 2024. 

Note, that proposals are evaluated continuously.

Detailed information can be found on Guidance for Applicants - Small Grants
Filled Application for financial contribution accompanied by registration documents,
CV of statutory representative/s as well as project manager, shall be sent by e-mail to branchemb.pristina@mzv.sk

Hard copy shall be sent/delivered to The Liaison Office of the Slovak Republic in Pristina, Selim Berisha 11, 10000 Prishtina.

Call for Proposals - Small Grants 2024
Word 77.2 kB, 3.4.2024, 191 stiahnutí
Small Grant Agreement 2024
Word 137.3 kB, 3.4.2024, 72 stiahnutí
Small Grant Completion report (FO-58-2)
Word 101.8 kB, 3.4.2024, 107 stiahnutí
Financial Report (FO-59-1)
Excel 78.5 kB, 3.4.2024, 82 stiahnutí
Data Subject Consent for Processing of Personal Data Contained in CVs Submitted to SAIDC Projects
Word 40.3 kB, 3.4.2024, 91 stiahnutí
Application for financial contribution (FO-52-4)
Word 116.8 kB, 3.4.2024, 108 stiahnutí
Small Grants Guidance 2024
Word 110.5 kB, 3.4.2024, 139 stiahnutí

Small Grants 2023

Small grants are provided by the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation through The Liaison Office of the Slovak Republic in Pristina.

Small grants focus on supporting small-scale development projects and enable a flexible, operational and effective response to development needs at the local level.

The maximum amount of the non-repayable financial contribution is 10 000 EUR per project.

Project duration is from 6 to maximum 12 months.


Elegible Sectors

  • Quality education - education at all school levels, acquiring professional skills with focus on entering the labour market and conducting own business, education of pedagogical and non-pedagogical staff, equipment of school facilities
  • Good health - health care with emphasis on mothers and children, nutrition programs, education and awareness of the population in the field of prevention and health care, education of health professionals, equipment of health facilities
  • Good governance and civil society building - public sector reform, public finance management, support for the rule of law and civil society participation in democratic processes, local government capacity building and active citizen participation in community development, security sector reform, activities of civilian experts in international crisis management, conflict prevention and support for reconciliation activities
  • Food safety and agriculture - introduction of new techniques and procedures in all parts of the food chain, including processing of agricultural products, their marketing and sale, food security, job creation
  • Infrastructure and sustainable use of natural resources - water management, integrated management of water and other natural resources, revitalization and protection of endangered water resources, drinking water supply, wastewater treatment, waste management, raising environmental awareness, energy security and the use of alternative energy sources, sustainable development of settlements, increasing resilience to natural disasters, including climate change, soil protection, reducing soil degradation and drying, halting the loss of biodiversity, protecting ecosystems, restoring degraded ecosystems
  • Support for the creation of a market environment - support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, the introduction of innovations, job creation


Cross-Cutting Themes

Environment and climate change - support for climate change mitigation, strengthening capacity to adapt to climate change, increasing resilience of ecosystems, protection of nature, biodiversity and soil, environmental monitoring; protection and promotion of the sustainable use of natural resources

Gender equality - promoting equality between men and women, eliminating all forms of discrimination against women and girls, as well as all forms of violence against women and girls, including harmful practices and customs (such as early or forced marriages or female genital mutilation), ensuring equal opportunities in public life

Preferred sector is Good governance and civil society building with emphasis to human rights, rule of law and democracy.


Eligible Applicants

This call is open to NGOs, non-profit subjects and local authorities.


Deadline And Accompaning Documents

The deadline for submission of project proposals is May 31, 2023. 

Note, that proposals are evaluated continuously.

Detailed information can be found on Guidance for Applicants - Small Grants

Filled Application for financial contribution accompanied by registration documents,

CV of statutory representative/s as well as project manager, shall be sent by e-mail to branchemb.pristina@mzv.sk

Hard copy shall be sent/delivered to The Liaison Office of the Slovak Republic in Pristina, Selim Berisha 11, 10000 Prishtina.


Related Documents

Small Grants Guidance 2023
Word 105.7 kB, 3.4.2024, 221 stiahnutí
Application for financial contribution (FO-52-3)
Word 111.3 kB, 3.4.2024, 215 stiahnutí
Data Subject Consent for Processing of Personal Data Contained in CVs Submitted to SAIDC Projects
Word 43.3 kB, 3.4.2024, 176 stiahnutí
Small Grant Agreement 2023
Word 121.0 kB, 3.4.2024, 164 stiahnutí
Small Grant Completion report (FO-58-2)
Word 100.4 kB, 3.4.2024, 155 stiahnutí
Financial Report (FO-59-0)
Excel 2.9 MB, 3.4.2024, 158 stiahnutí

Small Grants 2022

Published: 12.04.2022

Call for Proposals - Small Grants 2022

Small grant program of Slovak Liaison Office in Priština is designed to support and develop further the eligible sectors by the financial contribution up to 10 000 EUR.
Project duration is 6 to 12 months.


Elegible Sectors

Quality education - education at all school levels, acquiring professional skills with focus on entering the labour market and conducting own business, education of pedagogical and non-pedagogical staff, equipment of school facilities

Good health - health care with emphasis on mothers and children, nutrition programs, education and awareness of the population in the field of prevention and health care, education of health professionals, equipment of health facilities

Good governance and civil society building - public sector reform, public finance management, support for the rule of law and civil society participation in democratic processes, local government capacity building and active citizen participation in community development, security sector reform, activities of civilian experts in international crisis management, conflict prevention and support for reconciliation activities

Food safety and agriculture - introduction of new techniques and procedures in all parts of the food chain, including processing of agricultural products, their marketing and sale, food security, job creation

Infrastructure and sustainable use of natural resources - water management, integrated management of water and other natural resources, revitalization and protection of endangered water resources, drinking water supply, wastewater treatment, waste management, raising environmental awareness, energy security and the use of alternative energy sources, sustainable development of settlements, increasing resilience to natural disasters, including climate change, soil protection, reducing soil degradation and drying, halting the loss of biodiversity, protecting ecosystems, restoring degraded ecosystems

Support for the creation of a market environment - support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, the introduction of innovations, job creation


Cross-Cutting Themes

Environment and climate change - support for climate change mitigation, strengthening capacity to adapt to climate change, increasing resilience of ecosystems, protection of nature, biodiversity and soil, environmental monitoring; protection and promotion of the sustainable use of natural resources

Gender equality - promoting equality between men and women, eliminating all forms of discrimination against women and girls, as well as all forms of violence against women and girls, including harmful practices and customs (such as early or forced marriages or female genital mutilation), ensuring equal opportunities in public life


Eligible Applicants

This call is open to NGOs, non-profit subjects and local authorities.


Deadline and Accompaning Documents

The deadline for submission of project proposals is July 31, 2022. 

Detailed information can be found on Guidance for Applicants - Small Grants

Filled Application for financial contribution accompanied by registration documents, CV of statutory representative/s as well as project manager, shall be sent to branchemb.pristina@mzv.sk

Hard copy shall be sent/delivered to Liaison Office of the Slovak Republic, Selim Berisha 11, 10000 Prishtina.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the microgrant scheme?

Microgrants are a flexible and effective form of development cooperation of the Slovak Republic. They are implemented through the network of Slovak embassies abroad.

Who is eligible to apply?

Eligible applicants in the Republic of Serbia for small grants are non-governmental organizations, not-for-profit organizations, civic associations, local/municipal authorities, schools and healthcare institutions, registered in the Republic of Serbia.

What is the maximum requested amount?

The maximum amount of the non-repayable financial contribution is 10 000 EUR per project.

What is the length of the project implementation?

The expected length of the project implementation is from 6 to max. 12 months.

When does the project implementation start?

The project implementation period starts immediately after the signing of the Small Grant Agreement

What are the eligible sectoral priorities/areas of intervention?

The following sectoral priorities are eligible:

  • Quality education,
  • Good health,
  • Good governance and civil society building,
  • Food safety and agriculture
  • and Infrastructure and sustainable use of natural resources.

Cross-cutting themes Environment and climate change and Equal opportunities must be also integrated.

Their consideration is being assessed through integration into projects and activities in each of the abovementioned priority sectors.

More information can be found in the Call for Proposals and in the Small Grant Guidance.

What is the ratio of project instalments?

The payment of the small grant is divided into two instalments. 70% of the small grant is paid to the final beneficiary after the signature of the small grant agreement.

Final beneficiaries must have the remaining 30 % of the amount of the small grant available from their own/partner resources.

The remaining balance payment - 30% of the small grant will be transferred to the final beneficiary after the completion of the project and after the submission of the Completion and Financial Reports accompanied by copies of respective invoices and receipts.

How will be transferred the instalments to the beneficiary?

The Embassy of the Slovak Republic will pay both payments by bank transfer to the foreign currency account of the beneficiary.

What happens in case of change within the project implementation?

In case of unforeseen problems (for example: risk that the implementation of the project is not to be concluded on time, or there are changes in the budget lines), the final beneficiary is obliged to inform the Slovak Embassy in written form and request a change (for example: project budget changes or a project extension).

​​​​​​​Changes to the project budget and project scope/outcomes will not be accepted without prior approval.

What supporting documentations needs to be submitted to the Financial Report?

The financial report includes a detailed description of every item from the approved budget lines accompanied by the respective invoices and original receipts for the work, goods and services used in completing the project. Furthermore, the financial report contains a statement from the bank or exchange office indicating the exchange rate, which the beneficiary used for changing the grant money to the local currency. The final beneficiary prepares the financial
report for all budget lines (100% of the value of the project).
In case of further questions, please contact the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Belgrade: emb.beograd@mzv.sk
Frequently Asked Questions
Word 14.5 kB, 5.4.2024, 183 stiahnutí